Here is something completely different for you. Hunter and I have decided to share with you some of our favorite amateur videos. As you might have guessed by now, we love REAL porn with REAL guys and REAL sex and this content is as real as it gets. While in Las Vegas, we met up with the guys from Joe Schmoe productions. They are an awesome, down to earth couple with lots of hot country boy fuck buddies that just love to stop by their house for beers and porn. We are not sure if they are queer for beer or gay for pay, but we DO know that they are hilariously hot and hard core sexy. After checking out their videos, we decided to collaborate and share some of them with you guys. We hope you like it as much as we do. This first installment called, COUNTRY BOY LOVE, features Blaze and Brian, both straight/bi-curious, hardcore, tattoo-covered, country boys. Blaze, the alpha male with a big fat cock, decides to show Brian some ass love. It’s important to note that this was Brian’s VERY first time having cock in his butt and much to our surprise he takes it like a pro. I know that the Boys will be reading this and your comments, so if you like them and maybe want to get fucked by them, let them know by leaving some comments here under their VERY FIRST video on our site.
Thanks for stroking with us,
Cole and Hunter